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Katrangan Singkat:

Aplikasi Produk: saus mg zx-new

Org papan: Digawe ing China

Merek: Cssot / RMOEM / ORG / Copy

Wektu Mimpin: Simpenan, Yen kurang 20 PC, normal sewulan

Pembayaran: TT Deposit

Brand Company: Cssot





Detail Produk

Tag Produk

Informasi Produk

Jeneng Produk Pengawal Disc Brake Rr
Aplikasi Produk SAIC MG ZS / ZX / ZX-NEW
Produk OEM Ora L10289024 / R10289025
Org papan 10064820
Merek Cssot / RMOEM / ORG / Copy
Wektu Mimpin Simpenan, yen kurang 20 PC, normal sewulan
Pembayaran TT Deposit
Merek perusahaan Cssot
Sistem Aplikasi Sistem Kelangan

Tampilan Produk

Rr Brake Disc Gujaga-L10289024-R10289025
Rr Brake Disc Gujaga-L10289024-R10289025

Kawruh Produk

BRAKE disk proteksi gesekan swara sing ora normal.
The causes of abnormal ring of brake disc protection plate friction may include brake disc deformation, serious wear, foreign bodies between brake pads and brake discs, missing or damaged brake disc fixation screws, brake disc rust, new car run-in period or just changed brake pads, vehicle into water or wading, emergency brake ABS start, brake pad installation reverse or inconsistent model, the use of inferior or excellent brake pads, brake pump different Fluid rem asring kurang. The methods to solve these problems include replacing or repairing the brake disc, polishing the edge of the brake disc or replacing the brake disc, removing foreign matter, filling or replacing the brake disc fixing screw, wiping off rust for a period of safe driving, no need to deal with normal phenomenon, installing the brake pads that match the model, replacing other brands of brake pads, checking and repairing the brake pump and adding brake fluid.
In addition, between the brake disc and the brake pad may be mixed with small stone debris and other foreign objects, which will produce abnormal friction when stepping on the brake, resulting in the brake disc squeaking. Cara ngatasi masalah iki yaiku mriksa disk rem kanthi ati-ati lan copot pasir cilik lan kerikil. The running-in problem between the brake pad and the brake disc may also lead to abnormal sound, this situation occurs in the new car or just changed the new brake disc, is a normal phenomenon, as long as the normal use, waiting for the brake disc running-in is good, the abnormal sound will gradually disappear.

Cara Pangobatan Rust Cecak BRAKE:

1, yen kanggo nyetel stroke pedal, ana nut ing ngisor pedal bisa diatur. 2, if it is to adjust the gap, now the general car caliper can brake disc, or between the lead shoe and the brake drum, the gap is self-debugging, no manual adjustment. 3, mung bisa nyetel rem tangan, rem sikil ora bisa diatur, yen nyoba udhara sing murah.
Sistem rem mobil uga diarani sistem rem mobil. Fungsi sistem rem yaiku: kanggo meksa mobil kanggo alon utawa malah mandheg miturut syarat driver; Stasion kendharaan stasion ing macem-macem kahanan dalan, kalebu rampokan; Terus kecepatan mobil sing bakal mudhun. Banjur seri cilik sabanjure bakal menehi pitunjuk sing rinci babagan cara nyetel ketat saka kekirangan mobil.
Cara kanggo ngeculake rem:
Look at the thickness: the thickness of a new brake pad is generally about 1.5cm, and the thickness will gradually become thinner with continuous friction in use. Professional technicians suggest that when the naked eye observation brake pad thickness has only left the original 1/3 thickness (about 0.5cm), the owner should increase the frequency of self-test, ready to replace. Mesthi, model individu amarga alasan desain rodha, aja nganti ana kahanan kanggo ndeleng mripat telanjang, kudu mbusak ban kanggo ngrampungake.
According to the road conditions and speed control direction, take off the high-speed gear, and quickly blast a foot of empty oil, the high-speed gear into the low speed gear. Kanthi cara iki, mesin bakal akeh resistansi traksi lan nyuda cepet kanthi cepet. In addition, while changing the low speed, the handbrake should be used in combination, but pay attention to the handbrake can not be pulled tight, nor can it be pulled too slowly. Yen ditarik banget, gampang "ngunci" cakram rem, sing bisa ngrusak bagian transmisi lan ilang kemampuan sing bisa; Yen ditarik alon-alon, disk rem bakal dipakai lan fungsine sing bakal ilang.

Mangga nelpon yen sampeyan butuh suProduk ch.

Zhuo Meng Shanghai Auto Co, Ltd setya adol mg & mauxs otomatis sambutan kanggo tuku.


Hubungi kita

Kabeh sing bisa diatasi kanggo sampeyan, Cssot bisa mbantu sampeyan supaya sampeyan bisa mbukak maneh, luwih rinci hubungi

Tel: 8615000373524



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